Tag Archives: Pink OUIJA BOARD

AMAZON Partners with HASBRO to Peddle OUIJA to Children!  Pink OUIJA for Girls! 

HASBRO and AMAZON Pushing Pink OUIJA for Girls!

Amazon and Hasbro have teamed up to sell OUIJA Boards and are targeting children as  young as eight!  To sweeten the deal, HASBRO has developed a pink OUIJA Board just for girls.  Not only have they added a pink board, but the planchette, or tool used for divination, is hot pink and due to a bit of tweaking, resembles a heart shape!

OUIJA, plain and simple, is divination and necromancy.  Divination and necromancy are an abomination to God and can put us in contact with devils (KJV) or demons, if you will.  This is a very dangerous practice.  Please discuss this with your children.  Make them aware. Even if you do not purchase this for your child, they may be at a friend’s or relative’s home and be tempted to partake in this practice.  If it were me, I would make a trip to Toys R’ Us and show it to my children and then have a serious sit down with them about the danger of this item, divination and necromancy.  The media are coming at your child fast and hard and you must equip them to stand against this onslaught.

If your children are over the age of 14, I recommend my first book, as the second book will soon be published.  If they are younger, tell them my story so they can put a face with the story.  Show them my blog, show them photos of me as a little girl.  Tell them how my family suffered due to the practice of necromancy and divination.   That is the whole reason I have shared my story.

Remember:  “Be sober, be vigilant, because your ADVERSARY, the Devil, as a roaring lion, roams about seeking whom he may devour.”  1 Peter 5:8   Your enemy and the enemy of your children does not simply want to harm you and them…he wants to eat you alive.

Divination and necromancy are not games.

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Filed under Blood Moon Tetrad, Blood Moons, Charlie Charlie Challenge, Charlie Charlie Mexico Demon, Christopher Lee, Duggar Duggars, ISIS, OUIJA, OUIJA BOARD