Tag Archives: Charlie Charlie Challenge

A Haunting Remembrance Book II Photo Record Chapter-“Unraveling”


This photo was taken by Embry’s mother during one of Embry’s bouts with illness.  Embry’s mother was already dying of cancer when this photo was taken. Embry was prone to febrile seizures and with a fever of 104+, too weak to walk, her mother had just given her a sponge bath and placed her on the master bed.  She had been ill for quite some time and had suffered substantial weight loss.  At this point, her belly was distended and she could not eat. She spent over a week sleeping in the master bed with her mother.  Even though her mother was sick with cancer and her immune system was compromised, she would not leave Embry’s side or let her be alone at any time. Fern can be seen in the lower right corner.  She was using her play dishes in an attempt to feed Embry M&M’s.  Embry’s father can be seen resting on the sofa which was placed against the wall in the master bedroom so the girls could be close to their mother when she was too ill to get out of bed.  Embry and Fern often slept together on the sofa. During this particular illness, Embry’s mother became very afraid that something was seriously wrong with her.  Embry remembers her mother crying as she bathed her.  After she was bathed and dressed, her mother retrieved her camera and told Embry she wanted to take her picture.  She asked Embry to smile, but she was simply too weak. The taking of the photo was confusing to her but later her mother explained to her that she was afraid she (Embry) may not make it.

This particular bout with illness was similar to the illnesses experienced by Embry in the chapter titled, “Unraveling” from AHR Book II, only then, her mother would not be there to care for her.

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Filed under Blood Moon Tetrad, Blood Moons, Charlie Charlie Challenge, Charlie Charlie Mexico Demon, Duggar Duggars, ISIS, OUIJA, OUIJA BOARD

Catholic Church Performs Nationwide Exorcism in Mexico!

In May of this year, Catholic leaders performed an Exorcism on the entire country of Mexico.  Leaders claim the violence, dominance of drug cartels, and abortion is evidence that Mexico is in Satan’s grip.  Is it really possible to exorcise the Devil from an entire nation? (Links provided)

Exorcism is a controversial topic.  The concept of exorcism, or healing individuals from possession by unclean spirits, is a concept that originates in the Bible. The Bible says that for the time being Satan and his unclean spirits have reign on the earth.  They have limited reign and they are not as powerful as God, but they still have the ability wreak havoc all about us.  The Bible illustrates many examples of people being set free from the bondage of unclean spirits, but is it possible to tell these unclean spirits to leave a home, a building, a country?  A Haunting Remembrance Book II devotes an entire chapter to the study of exorcism and will answer these questions and many others related to this topic.




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AMAZON Partners with HASBRO to Peddle OUIJA to Children!  Pink OUIJA for Girls! 

HASBRO and AMAZON Pushing Pink OUIJA for Girls!

Amazon and Hasbro have teamed up to sell OUIJA Boards and are targeting children as  young as eight!  To sweeten the deal, HASBRO has developed a pink OUIJA Board just for girls.  Not only have they added a pink board, but the planchette, or tool used for divination, is hot pink and due to a bit of tweaking, resembles a heart shape!

OUIJA, plain and simple, is divination and necromancy.  Divination and necromancy are an abomination to God and can put us in contact with devils (KJV) or demons, if you will.  This is a very dangerous practice.  Please discuss this with your children.  Make them aware. Even if you do not purchase this for your child, they may be at a friend’s or relative’s home and be tempted to partake in this practice.  If it were me, I would make a trip to Toys R’ Us and show it to my children and then have a serious sit down with them about the danger of this item, divination and necromancy.  The media are coming at your child fast and hard and you must equip them to stand against this onslaught.

If your children are over the age of 14, I recommend my first book, as the second book will soon be published.  If they are younger, tell them my story so they can put a face with the story.  Show them my blog, show them photos of me as a little girl.  Tell them how my family suffered due to the practice of necromancy and divination.   That is the whole reason I have shared my story.

Remember:  “Be sober, be vigilant, because your ADVERSARY, the Devil, as a roaring lion, roams about seeking whom he may devour.”  1 Peter 5:8   Your enemy and the enemy of your children does not simply want to harm you and them…he wants to eat you alive.

Divination and necromancy are not games.

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Filed under Blood Moon Tetrad, Blood Moons, Charlie Charlie Challenge, Charlie Charlie Mexico Demon, Christopher Lee, Duggar Duggars, ISIS, OUIJA, OUIJA BOARD

“Charlie, Charlie Challenge” : Divination and Necromancy Sweeping the Globe

There is a new occult, demonic phenomenon sweeping the nation that is especially popular with naïve and unsuspecting youth.  If you have not heard about it, ask your children, as they probably have.  It is called the Charlie, Charlie Challenge.  It is an act of divination similar to the Ouija Board in that a subject attempts to contact a spirit or demon named Charlie.  After achieving contact with the entity, the subject then asks questions of the demon and waits for answers.  This “game” is sweeping the globe with individuals videotaping and posting their alleged interaction with the demon named Charlie.

The Bible strictly prohibits divination and necromancy.  In fact, the Bible calls it an abomination.  While most of these activities will not result in contact with demonic entities, if it does happen, as in the case of my family, the results can be disastrous.

Divination is a very dangerous activity.  Not only does it put one at risk of demonic oppression, it places us at odds with a Holy God.

Divination is not a game.

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Filed under Blood Moon Tetrad, Blood Moons, Christopher Lee, Duggar Duggars